Saturday, May 29, 2010

.Burzum. DunkelHeit

Burzum is My favorite band of all time. When i was younger living in Nashville Tenn. (about 13-14 years old) I found Burzum in a local music zine that a friend gave me and ever since I have been obsessed with burzum. something about the ambient trances just fascinated me. black metal at the time was impossible to get in the states. most people only knew about bands like Emperor and Dimmu borgir. even then they were hard to get and not really popular. the Norwegian black metal scene was still pretty rare to find out about. at least in the south. But once i heard Burzum i was hooked. the first song i heard was DunkelHeit. (the English translation for the word is "darkness") so i figured since this is the only music video Burzum ever made i would post it here.. before i do so i will give you a short history of Burzum.

Burzum is a musical project by Varg Vikernes (originally under the pseudonym "Count Grishnackh"). It began during 1989 in Bergen, Norway and quickly became prominent within the early Norwegian black metal scene. During 1992 and 1993, Burzum recorded four albums; however, in 1994 Vikernes was convicted and imprisoned for the murder of guitarist Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth and the arson of several churches. While imprisoned, Vikernes recorded two albums in the dark ambient style. Soon after being released Vikernes started writing new tracks, nine metal tracks and an ambient intro and outro, for an upcoming Burzum album. According to Vikernes mentions, several record companies were interested in releasing his first album in eleven years. He stated about the new album, "I want to take my time, and make it the way I want it. It will be metal, and the fans can expect genuine Burzum." The album was going to be originally titled "Den hvite guden" (The White God), but he later decided to change it to "Belus", which was released by "Byelobog productions" on the 8th of March 2010.


When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
A chill rises
From the soil
And contaminates the air
Life has new meaning

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