Monday, May 17, 2010

Arizona in crises

AZ Sonoran Desert, outside Tucson, AZ

Illegal super highway outside of Tucson makes me sick. This is just one wash of many along the Mexico-Arizona border. Filled with trash, clothes, backpacks, diapers, feces and pure human waste. Have you seen these pics on CNN or FOX news? no you haven't. but they give us "special reports" on what celeb spouse has cheated on who.. Why would anyone in this country oppose AZ and their immigration needs right now? If this was happening in a state or federal park/forest the American people would be in an uproar. spread the word and support AZ. This wash leads directly to the ocean. Next big flood and it will all be washed into our oceans. This is about protecting our country. This is not about racism. This country was founded on accepting immigrants. So what makes these people special? Why should we respect them when they dont respect our country? To be an American you must RESPECT America. Our love and pride for our land is what sets us apart from the rest.


  1. there are prolly parts of the law that i'm ignorant to, but it does seem like its unfair to those who are legally in this country. its just a new way to racially profile...

    ultimately the influx of illegals is appalling and should not be tolerated. i think 100% that there should be serious control at our boarders. we, as americans, should feel safe in our own country... however, i also can't help but to think that our government is fully capable of keeping illegals out of this country. they just don't try... instead of investing money and manpower to this department they choose to bail out banks and oil companies...

    there's no money to be made in protecting our boards so local governments are forced to do whatever they can... i get that... but it doesn't mean that i agree with the tactics. being allowed to demand to see "papers" on any given whim reminds me too much of the freedom papers freed slaves had to carry, and it foreshadows what might be in store for our futures... allowing the government control like this could grow into a monster.

    i guess the latest is that obama is claiming to be sending soldiers to the boarder in an effort to keep em safer... so far nothing has changed... i guess only time will tell

  2. sorry! didn't realize i was so long-winded!
