Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

If these hands would only kill.
They'd cleanse the world with its own blood.
They'd cleanse the world, if these hands would only kill.
These hand should cleanse your soul of the lust and the greed of this world.
And they call me a fool as they do so well.
Destroy the morality none have known for so long if ever at all
And I would lay down my life to birth a new generation of a righteous culture.
To a people I could proudly love and cherish.
For that's all I've ever asked for and been deprived of.
Not a tear for those of flesh
Not a stayed hand for a world that prostitutes itself.
Not a minute more of degeneration.
Words cannot express my disappointment.
Words cannot express my disapproval.
So I hate.
I hate a world that's capable of triumph.
Do I stand idly by and let this world disintegrate.
This world will pass away, and my emotions with it.
Why should I strive for acceptance and peace of mind.
A Profound Hatred of Man

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Step infront of a runaway train just to feel alive again.
Pushing forward through the night, aching just to blow aside.

It's so far, so far away.
It's so far, so far away.

Cold wind blows into the skin.
Can't believe the state you're in.

It's so far, so far away.
It's so far, so far away.

Who are you trying to impress, steadily creating a mess?

Step in front of a runaway train, just to feel alive again.
Pushing forward through the night, aching just blow aside.

Aching just to blow aside, aching just to blow aside...

Step in front of a runaway train, just to feel alive again.
Pushing forward through the night, aching just blow aside.

Aching just to blow aside, aching just to blow aside...

Friday, September 3, 2010

are we free?

The United States was able to defeat Nazi Germany and helped bring down the USSR, but is the U.S. government now quickly becoming just like them? Once upon a time, America was the land of the free and the home of the brave, but today the government has become an oppressive monster that is intrusively embedding itself in our lives in thousands of different ways. Today we are all viewed as potential threats to the "system" that the government has imposed, and therefore everything that we do must be watched, tracked, traced, recorded and controlled. Lip service is still given to ideals such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and freedom of movement, but all of those freedoms are rapidly dying a brutal death. To our forefathers, living the American Dream meant living as free men and women, but today it means living under deep socialist tyranny where the government takes care of us from the cradle to the grave and uses an increasingly oppressive Big Brother police state control system to guarantee our safety.

The following are 20 signs that America is no longer the land of the free....

1 - Government trash snooping has now come to America. The city of Cleveland plans to sort through curbside trash to ensure that people are actually recycling their trash. If it is discovered that they are not recycling properly they will be hit with very large fines.

2- It is becoming increasingly difficult to express free speech online. The city of Philadelphia is actually forcing bloggers to pay them $300 for a business license. In this economic climate, who can afford to pay an extra 300 dollars just to have a blog? So much for free speech in Philadelphia.

3 - All of our DNA will soon be in a database. Barack Obama has been pushing a plan to create a national database that will store the DNA of all individuals who have been arrested, even if they end up not being convicted of a crime.

4 - You should consider nothing you do on the Internet to be private. It is being reported that the Obama administration is now demanding access to all Internet records of all Americans without court review.

5 - Just about anything can be used against you in court these days. In one of the very first military commissions held under the Obama administration, a U.S. military judge ruled that confessions obtained by threatening the subject with rape are admissible in court.

6 - But it is not just Islamic terrorists that are going to get this kind of treatment. According to FBI Director Robert Mueller, "homegrown terrorists" represent just as much of a threat to American national security as al-Qaeda does in 2010.

7 - Be very, very careful about what you post on the Internet from now on. One software company is actually developing software which will be able to identify people from photographs posted on the Internet.

8 - The frightening thing is that the Internet may actually be literally inside the heads of many Americans soon. Intel has stated that it wants microchips inside the heads of their customers by the year 2020.

9- As technology develops, it is inevitable that the government will want to utilize it to track us and to control us. A startup company developing "chipless RFID ink" has already tested its product on cattle and laboratory rats. How soon before it starts getting used on humans?

10- "Pre-crime" is not just for science fiction movies any longer. The Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice has announced that it will begin using analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents and will place "potential offenders" in specific prevention and education programs.

11- Are you ready to start carrying a national ID card? This year U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham have been promoting legislation that would institute a biometric national identification card for all Americans.

12 - These days anyone can be labeled a "terrorist" and denied even the most basic of rights. New legislation being pushed by U.S. Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman earlier this year would allow the U.S. military to round up large numbers of Americans and detain them indefinitely without a trial if they are believed to "pose a threat" or if they have "potential intelligence value" or for any other reason that the President of the United States "considers appropriate".

13 - The relationship between the police and the public has fundamentally changed. Once upon a time the police were there to protect and serve. But in 2010 police all too often abuse their positions. Just recently, a 32 year old man was beaten black and blue by two Denver Police officers for no apparent reason at all.

14 - We are now so tightly regulated that we can't even honor good police officers any longer. Memorial crosses erected along Utah public roads to honor fallen state highway troopers have been found unconstitutional by a federal appeals court and must be removed.

15 - In 2010, it seems like the government wants to investigate just about everyone and everything. For example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently called for opponents of the proposed Ground Zero mosque to be investigated in order to establish who is funding their activities.

16 - The truth is that it is very dangerous to exercise your free speech in America in 2010. For example, Christians are being arrested in various areas across the United States for quietly passing out Christian literature on public sidewalks.

17 - The U.S. government has become so paranoid that now even milk is viewed as a major threat. Organic milk is now considered such a national crisis that the FDA has been conducting military style raids on Amish farmers in the state of Pennsylvania.

18 - We can't even get on an airplane now without first allowing gawking security officials to get a good look at our naked bodies. The new full body security scanners going into airports all across the United States can actually see through clothing and produce very clear and very detailed images of the exposed bodies of everyone who walks through them.

19 - But the government would never save any of those naked images, would they? Well, the U.S. Marshals Service confessed recently that it had indeed saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a millimeter wave system at the security checkpoint of one Florida courthouse.

20 - Things have gotten so bad that we can't even sing the national anthem during a visit to a national monument any longer. A group of high school students made national headlines recently when they revealed that they were ordered by a security guard to stop singing the national anthem during a visit to the Lincoln Memorial.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to prepare for deployment

Military or Contractor.. here are some tips to prepare you for life in the middle east as a combat or security operator.

1. Sleep on a cot in the garage.

2. Replace the garage door with a curtain.

3. Six hours after you go to sleep, have your wife or girlfriend whip open the curtain, shine a flashlight in your eyes and mumble, "sorry, wrong bunk"

4. Renovate your bathroom. Hang a translucent plastic sheet down the middle of your bathtub and move the shower head to chest level. keep four inches of soapy cold water on the floor, stop cleaning the toilet. Leave two to three sheets of toilet paper on a used roll or for best effect, remove the toilet paper altogether. For a more realistic deployed bathroom experience, stop using your bathroom and use a neighbor's. Choose a neighbor who lives at least a quarter mile away.

5. When you take showers, wear flip flops and keep the lights off.

6. Every time there is a thunderstorm, go sit in a wobbly rocking chair and dump dirt on your head.

7. Put lubricating oil in your humidifier instead of water and set it on "high" for that tactical generator smell.

8. Don't watch TV except for 1970s era movies shown in the middle of the night. Have your family vote on which movie to watch and then show a different one.

9. Leave a lawnmower running in your living room 24 hours a day for proper noise level.

10. Once a week, blow compressed air up through your chimney making sure the wind carries the soot across and on to your neighbors house. laugh at him when he curses you.

11. Have the paperboy give you a haircut

12. Buy a trash compactor and only use it once a week. Store up garbage in the other side of your bathtub.

13. Wake up every night at midnight and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a saltine cracker.

14. Make up your family menu a week ahead of time without looking in your food cabinets or refrigerator. then serve some kind of meat in a unidentifiable white sauce poured over partially cooked noodles. do this for every meal.

15. Set your alarm clock to go off at random times during the night. when it goes off, jump out of bed and go to the shower as fast as you can. Simulate there is no hot water by running out into your yard and breaking out the garden house.

numbers 16-40 are coming soon...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010


When artists that play "folk" or "hippie" music cover hiphop/rap songs.. I love it. two prime examples here... enjoy

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Last Time Ever...

Yea... I was there

xWhat I Grew Up Withx

Clad in the Colours of Night

Do you know more than your prayers
Do you not cast a shadow
Yes, then you have given your soul away
and will for eternity
Have with you one with a "prillahorn*"
That looks at you from the shadow

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Dead kingdoms fall
These are the final days of our decline
This is the way
This is the burning cross on which we hang
The starless nights
Caressed by night side images of fear
Fear is the king
Fear is the way to break their mortal souls

Fear is the weapon

Why the long pause?

So its been forever since I have posted a blog. No real reason other then work taking over my life. I will post some links to news stories I feel relevant. I will be updating this a lot this week. (including more tonight) From crazy news stories, new music, pictures from work, and what ever random stuff that clouds my mind throughout the day. Starting with news..

Theory of Relativity? FAIL!

War with Iran?! well its "about" to happen for the 100Th time

All your Base are belong to us!! more anti piracy crackdowns on the US and its illegal downloading.. go ahead and take these 9 off your Favorites.,0,2871905.story

What a surprise. Democrats in office, taxes on the rise. in six months we get the highest tax increase ever! good thing more then half the nation is unemployed.

Great news for the unemployed... YOU'RE FUCKED!!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

.Burzum. DunkelHeit

Burzum is My favorite band of all time. When i was younger living in Nashville Tenn. (about 13-14 years old) I found Burzum in a local music zine that a friend gave me and ever since I have been obsessed with burzum. something about the ambient trances just fascinated me. black metal at the time was impossible to get in the states. most people only knew about bands like Emperor and Dimmu borgir. even then they were hard to get and not really popular. the Norwegian black metal scene was still pretty rare to find out about. at least in the south. But once i heard Burzum i was hooked. the first song i heard was DunkelHeit. (the English translation for the word is "darkness") so i figured since this is the only music video Burzum ever made i would post it here.. before i do so i will give you a short history of Burzum.

Burzum is a musical project by Varg Vikernes (originally under the pseudonym "Count Grishnackh"). It began during 1989 in Bergen, Norway and quickly became prominent within the early Norwegian black metal scene. During 1992 and 1993, Burzum recorded four albums; however, in 1994 Vikernes was convicted and imprisoned for the murder of guitarist Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth and the arson of several churches. While imprisoned, Vikernes recorded two albums in the dark ambient style. Soon after being released Vikernes started writing new tracks, nine metal tracks and an ambient intro and outro, for an upcoming Burzum album. According to Vikernes mentions, several record companies were interested in releasing his first album in eleven years. He stated about the new album, "I want to take my time, and make it the way I want it. It will be metal, and the fans can expect genuine Burzum." The album was going to be originally titled "Den hvite guden" (The White God), but he later decided to change it to "Belus", which was released by "Byelobog productions" on the 8th of March 2010.


When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
A chill rises
From the soil
And contaminates the air
Life has new meaning

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

.A Glorious Dawn.

This had me on the floor laughing the first time i saw it. And YES it is available on 7"

I think I like this way to much. Anyways.. enjoy! yes this guy is serious.. WARNING: do not take a drink of anything before pressing play

Ops Gear youtube video on CRI

I recently attended a PSD operator/professional bodyguard course at CRI Counter Terrorism School in Las Vegas NV. The company Ops gear is very closely related to CRI. the owner has attended the course as well as another exec Bryan. The course i took was with Bryan from ops gear. Bryan is a great guy and Ops Gear is one of the best companies our their for Military, Contractors, LE and civilians. they offer lots of great gear and tips; and they are a proud support of CRI. below is the video bryan put together for ops gear showing footage of the class i attended. CRI actually hired a film crew to video the course for our own video resumes and for commercial use to show their course in great detail. the Ops Gear video was recorded by bryan and some of us in the course with bryans camera. enjoy!!

follow the link for some reason i cant embed this particular video.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

.Old Man Gloom. (complete live set)

the greatest band that ever was. this is hands down my favorite band. this music just gets me. I have all their records. Old Man Gloom is a sludge/doom metal/post-metal band originally formed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, but now based in Massachusetts. The group, formed by Aaron Turner of Isis and Santos Montano, has now expanded to become a sort of supergroup in the Boston hardcore and metalcore scene. The group is less a band than it is a recording project for a variety of talent. By the release of their first album (Meditations in B), Old Man Gloom expanded to include two new members. In 2001, a year after the release of Meditations in B, the band released two albums simultaneously: Seminar II and Seminar III. For these records, Luke Scarola joined to use electronics. On Seminar II, Steven Brodsky of Cave In wrote the lyrics for one song, and Jay Randall of Agoraphobic Nosebleed contributed on electronics. On August 24, 2004, the band's most recent album Christmas was released.

Aaron Turner – vocals, guitar (Isis)
Santos Montano – drums (Zozobra)
Nate Newton – guitar, vocals (Converge, Doomriders)
Caleb Scofield – bass guitar, vocals (Cave In, Zozobra)
Luke Scarola - Electronics
Jay Randall - Electronics (Agoraphobic Nosebleed)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

two words

worst disaster in human history

A BP executive stated that they were removing 3000:1 gas to oil at the well before the explosion. (thats 3000 cubic feet of gas for every barrel of oil) The amount of oil leaking into the gulf is 25,000 to 70,000 barrels. a 3000:1 ratio would mean 75 - 210 million cubic feet of gas per day being released. There is 5.64 cubic feet of gas per barrel. That would mean there is 13.3 to 37.2 million "barrels" of gas being released each day. (note: this is at standard atmospheric temp and pressure. At the ocean floor and 2,400 pounds per square inch, this gas is compressed by a factor of of over 1000 and will expand as it rises. So, in the video coming out of the pipe it looks like 75,000 to 210,000 barrels of gas per day.

25,000 barrels of oil a day... factor in the 3000 cubic feet of gas and.... well, you have the worst case scenario. we wont recover from this in our lifetime. all in the name of a fossil fuels.. and to think there are ways to produce clean energy for free. we are killing the earth in the name of the dollar bill. here is a video of the oil. maybe it will put this in to perspective

Monday, May 17, 2010

biggest brother watching bigger brother watching big brother

Arizona in crises

AZ Sonoran Desert, outside Tucson, AZ

Illegal super highway outside of Tucson makes me sick. This is just one wash of many along the Mexico-Arizona border. Filled with trash, clothes, backpacks, diapers, feces and pure human waste. Have you seen these pics on CNN or FOX news? no you haven't. but they give us "special reports" on what celeb spouse has cheated on who.. Why would anyone in this country oppose AZ and their immigration needs right now? If this was happening in a state or federal park/forest the American people would be in an uproar. spread the word and support AZ. This wash leads directly to the ocean. Next big flood and it will all be washed into our oceans. This is about protecting our country. This is not about racism. This country was founded on accepting immigrants. So what makes these people special? Why should we respect them when they dont respect our country? To be an American you must RESPECT America. Our love and pride for our land is what sets us apart from the rest.

Sunday, May 16, 2010