Thursday, June 30, 2011

.Cant get enough.

The album "tamer animals" seems to be played over and over again on my zune. Just Cant get enough of it right now. This is probably top 3 for albums this year. Something very new sounding. warning.. time alone with this album will take you places.

Other lives "for 12"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Budget cuts, bailouts, debt crisis.. has turned financial crisis. Greek voters are resisting the savage austerity cuts demanded by the IMF and other creditor countries – particularly Germany – to bring Greece's enormous debts under control. German voters are increasingly hostile to the bailouts, paid for by them and taxpayers in other creditor nations, to keep the Greek government solvent.

Some have proposed that the answer to the eurozone crisis is greater political union: that more centralised decision-making is necessary to harmonise financial policies, including borrowing and even taxation – for many, the heart of the sovereign rights of national governments.

Is this a greedy government who has finally lost control?

A great conspiracy to create a new world order by forcing countries into collapse so they have no choice but to join?

what ever is going on.. the people have had enough.

I'm gonna research this topic more in the following days.. so in between videos pics and songs there will be updates about the situation over there... and if you think its just some newspaper crisis... watch the live feeds and vids below.

Links to live feeds:


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


O.A. here, I am still researching some for my next big post. Just giving some more life to the blog... Until i drop the post here is a good song and nice video from 407autobike. Any fans of doom music will appreciate this.

Sugarloaf Full Edit from tbm on Vimeo.

song: Other Lives - Landforms

Monday, June 20, 2011

back online

so my computer crashed.. so i haven't been able to update this blog. but now i can.. look forward to updates, pics, news and music. considering current situation in the world... this song seemed fitting. enjoy

The skin hangs from bodies that tried to run from a blinding flash
The children have no mouths with which to speak, were they ever alive?

An empty shell now stands where yesterday a hospital stood, medicating the sick with more sickness?

An empty shell now stands where yesterday a schoolhouse stood, teaching children how to follow orders

A graveyard of smokestacks stands where yesterday stood factories, mass producing useless products, mass producing greed

All that remains are the stacks and stacks of radiated corpses, all that remains are the piles upon piles of our excessive debris, all that remains are the skeletons of the once alive.. all that remains..

serving as monument's to an era of mankind,the error of mankind