Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010


When artists that play "folk" or "hippie" music cover hiphop/rap songs.. I love it. two prime examples here... enjoy

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Last Time Ever...

Yea... I was there

xWhat I Grew Up Withx

Clad in the Colours of Night

Do you know more than your prayers
Do you not cast a shadow
Yes, then you have given your soul away
and will for eternity
Have with you one with a "prillahorn*"
That looks at you from the shadow

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Dead kingdoms fall
These are the final days of our decline
This is the way
This is the burning cross on which we hang
The starless nights
Caressed by night side images of fear
Fear is the king
Fear is the way to break their mortal souls

Fear is the weapon

Why the long pause?

So its been forever since I have posted a blog. No real reason other then work taking over my life. I will post some links to news stories I feel relevant. I will be updating this a lot this week. (including more tonight) From crazy news stories, new music, pictures from work, and what ever random stuff that clouds my mind throughout the day. Starting with news..

Theory of Relativity? FAIL!

War with Iran?! well its "about" to happen for the 100Th time

All your Base are belong to us!! more anti piracy crackdowns on the US and its illegal downloading.. go ahead and take these 9 off your Favorites.,0,2871905.story

What a surprise. Democrats in office, taxes on the rise. in six months we get the highest tax increase ever! good thing more then half the nation is unemployed.

Great news for the unemployed... YOU'RE FUCKED!!
